Fellow country men,comrades in the struggel,fellow compatriots,counter parts sisters and brothers It was Martin Luther who once said when he was addressing University Students that i have a dream ..guese what trhe dream was!
He said that i one time United States will be ruled by ruled by a black man!
I have a dream dream in fact nolonger a dream but a practical issue that i`m going to lead not rule but to lead this beautifull great Nation-Uganda.
2031 is the time of my reign ladies and gentlemen and gentlememen.
Its now that people are realsing that Martin Luther was right becuese even a blind man can realise that Ballack Obama is already in the white House on the great Super Power.,
Just like Martin`s former comrades,Garileo Galille was opposed by the catholic church when he came out and said that the earth is round till now that every one believes it so.
Int the same way Bill Clinton when visted by the bythen US President -when he at the college after shaking the hands of Ben Franklin he said i`ll have to rule this country so it happened.
So i tell you dat days have come,when i get into power the UG Visa will be more heard to get than that of UK or US .
Why? Uganda will be country where the Natiobnals will nolonger cry in there own country when the Foreigners take over there jobs,Freddon pf press will be fully witnessed as no journalist will be harrssed by the POLICE dogs and Police ikt`s self.
Education will be taken to another level anmd Science and Technology will empoering this country.The Ugandan flag will be waving on over five Planets.
Ehehehe i the President will make sure alot happens.
Do Visit frequently for more updates and send your opinions to
Mobile +256773137566
NB Thoiu shalln`t die in anyway before this generation.AIDS shouldn`t be succumbed to.
Yours in State House
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