Our continued survey on Lake Victoria in efforts to ensure preservation of it’s water and the life species in it in relation to humanitarian activities done on it as Uganda joins the rest of the world in celebrating the World Water Day confirm recent reports of it’s pollution levels.
We’re aggrieved in a way that the water which serves more than 2 million people around Kampala and the rest of the population in other areas surrounding it is exposed to untreated discharged waste and that apart from sensitizing the public nothing much has been done about it.
In our eyes as PDP ,the risks to danger and infections associated while consuming such water for domestic and industrial purpose are so high and now that it’s no longer a secret that Lake Victoria water is unsafe for direct human consumption; it’s time to take action and we can no wait.
After touring some neighboring parts of this Lake which include Gaba, Luzira, Busabara and Munyonyo we demand for a quick response to ensure preservation of Lake Victoria.
It’s true; in some areas the water is dark and others army green indicating that it’s polluted with sewage and waste.
If places like Speke Resort Munyonyo which discharge untreated waste and others which have been pointed out can not stop this should close business.
We must be careful and serious while addressing this, it concerns the future generation and if we choose to keep quite our children will not fail to put blame on us because we are responsible.
As PDP, we are launching a campaign entitled “Preserving Lake Victoria is Our Responsibility” in which we want all steak holders to come up and forge a way forward. We are going to engage this matter with different committees of Parliament which include;
The Committee on Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Committee on Natural Resources, Committee on Tourism, Trade and Industry.
We have finished our letter that we are to submit to give the East African Parliament, another Letter to the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).
We appeal to Water and Environment minister Maria Mutagamba and Kahinda Otafiire Trade and Industry to do some thing about it.
The Nakivubo channel should be redirected to it’s useful purpose.
We also ask fishermen not to carry out illegal fishing.
Our campaign will be taken to schools, market places and many other places. If it means not consuming products/services of those who have turned out to be enemies of environment; this we can, and we can command.