Monday, May 4, 2009


"Fansio is now 13 years but i can`t move her any further..." Says the Old woman.

The needy people will always be with us in the society said Jesus and it`s our responsibility for us whom God has trusted with his treasury to to give out to the poor,orphans.disabled and minorities generously.

comrades this young man who is half a British and half a Ugandan by names of Fansio Kutesa 13 years living with his grand mother residents of Masajja B Zone-Namasuba Parish,Makindye Sub country,Wakiso district,Central Uganda-East Africa is unlikely to not to finish his Primary Seven.

Here is his Story according to the old woman-Grand ma Justine Nakiyinji Babirye -50years.
"This grand son of mine was dumbed by her month when he was 11 month old and she disappeared up to now.
Initially the mother was in love her fellow classmate of almost the same age who made her pregnant at 17 years.
This young man was a son of a British who lived in Lubaga-Kampala suburb during the era of President Idi Amin Dada who had made me pregnant and in 1972 when Amin was expelling the Asians, he too left the country living the baby of 2month to me.
I raised the young man up to 18 years when he impregnate the classmate and also disappeared from and when Fansio was dumbed to me at 11 month i`ve taken care of him up to now."

"Fansio is now 13 years but i can`t move her any further ,you understand my son Earnest (telling me) i used to work for D.K,"(David Kanyerezi,owner of D.K Hill School Namasuba Entebbe Rd) where i attended my O.Level and A.Level partially and this lady had been nick named "Jaaja Cups" because her work was to prepare porredge for the students.
" And when i i could no longer work any more i left which meat that Fansio who could study on my salary would not proceed any more.
Today I m my legs are so weak with pain and that's why I only taking care of those pigs...
i sincerely n`t know the fate of my grand son after failing to continue with education."
Well my people I looked at the old lady and prior soon i`ll bring you her pictures but this is Fansio the young man so far.

We can help the young man while he claims his future education career.
Who knows weather he could be a very important persons in this country or bak to his home land in U.K?
Please contribute some thing monthly or annually.
Contact me for further details on
Mobile +256773137566
Blessed is the hand that giveth.


Christine Mbabazi of Luzira, John Maina working at City Lodge Nakasero, Robert Birungi residing in Ntinda Kigoowa, Abdu Kasozi, Anord Tugume and Silver are some of the survivals though still in a critical situation at Mulago Hospital! .....

President Kivumbi Adressing Kampala people at Top Pub this morning where the incidence took place.

Top pub covered with blood!

We are very disappointed with our Security organs which are paid tax payers money to protect Ugandan`s alongside their property.
We can`t sit back and relax while such organs continue to suppress and torture our people.
I therefore take this moment to express my grief and dissatisfaction about the incidence that occurred on Saturday where 19 people were shot by the Presidential Guard in this bar .
We highly regeat the occurrence of such an incidence and we ask the President to take an action about his men who have started to remind us Amin`s era where security personnel's were the most hated people because of their tyrannous heart.
President Museveni can`t just come here and express sadness,let him assure Ugandans that such an incidence must not happen again by punishing the fellow PGB officers who were at the scene while their comrades nailed innocent people down!

We shall not contain such governance,the time is now and i command that Uganda should be liberated from these tyrants.
Addressing people at Top Pub Bar this morning
On William street where the incidence happened of One of the Presidential guard by names of Nicholas Muchunguzi shot 19 people arround 4:00am.
Police arrived arroud 6:00am and Judith Babakoba -Police spokes person along side Maj Felix Kulaigye UPDF spokes person regreated the act in their press conference.
But I amase Kampala Mayor Sebagala and Elias Lukwago Kampala Central M.P have not yet come out to say anything apart from the future president!