President Kivumbi Adressing Kampala people at Top Pub this morning where the incidence took place.

Top pub covered with blood!

We are very disappointed with our Security organs which are paid tax payers money to protect Ugandan`s alongside their property.
We can`t sit back and relax while such organs continue to suppress and torture our people.http://kivumbi25.blogspot.com/2009/03/necessity-and-imperatives-of-specific.html.
I therefore take this moment to express my grief and dissatisfaction about the incidence that occurred on Saturday where 19 people were shot by the Presidential Guard in this bar .
We highly regeat the occurrence of such an incidence and we ask the President to take an action about his men who have started to remind us Amin`s era where security personnel's were the most hated people because of their tyrannous heart.
President Museveni can`t just come here and express sadness,let him assure Ugandans that such an incidence must not happen again by punishing the fellow PGB officers who were at the scene while their comrades nailed innocent people down!
We shall not contain such governance,the time is now and i command that Uganda should be liberated from these tyrants.
Addressing people at Top Pub Bar this morning
On William street where the incidence happened of One of the Presidential guard by names of Nicholas Muchunguzi shot 19 people arround 4:00am.
Police arrived arroud 6:00am and Judith Babakoba -Police spokes person along side Maj Felix Kulaigye UPDF spokes person regreated the act in their press conference.
But I amase Kampala Mayor Sebagala and Elias Lukwago Kampala Central M.P have not yet come out to say anything apart from the future president!
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