The world needs to understand now that the United Nations (UN)is more less like it`s father-League of Nations(LON).
Even a blind man can nowrfecognise how it has become a detootheless barking dog in such a time when we expect it to consider and take action against ISREAL for it`s brutality exposure inthe in Gaza strip!
Since December last year hundreds of innocent civillians have succumbed to death inthe Isreal bombastic attacks claiming to be hitting the HAMAS,God forbid!
You can`t convince the future Prezident of Uganda that after the U.N S ecurity Council siting and over eleven part from the U.S.A that never took side that That BOY Israel can urdamantly refuse to adhere to the U.N resolution descission.
If nothing hapens in the next two weeks time i have already informed students of Law Development Center to come ouit n demonstrate with me.
We shall take our petitionto the U.S Ambassador to Uganda to be faxed to President Obama.
We shall tell the Minister of Foreign Affairs to stop diplomatic relations with Isreal and finally request the Speaker if Parliament to have a moment of silence in commemoration of the deceased in Gaza before thye next parliamnetally sitting.
God save Palestine.