Since the allegations a month back when it started i have been quite and Newspapers especially The Redpepper as usual has made a fortune out of it.http://www.newvision.co.ug/D/8/13/682915
Much as i wanted to stay quite about these scandals, i can`t resist any further now and as the future president this is my stand about Pastor Robert Kayanja.
http://www.margaretmusungu.com/pmc/images/Letter_edited.jpgEver since i was a child, i have seen Kayanja on the Television and moving in crusades preaching the word.
I have seen this man from the state of poverty to where he is now.
I have read his books and sen how his church has risen from swamps to a magnificent tiled and glassy building now implying that Kayanja has taken time to build his name and the church to what it is now.
Kayanja has fathered many children by getting the m out of the street,provide them shelter,food,clothing,education and thus securing a future for them.
I have seen myself this Pastor opening branches of Miracle center around the country and today it has about 100 branches including naturing and training pastors in these churches.
I have seen pastor Kayanja hosting great men of God from all over the world which forced Newspapers to write that Uganda`s now polished.
Among these is PS Benn Hinn, Rod Pasley, T.D Jakes, Juanita Bynum, Kenneth Kopland, Crefelo Dollar to mention but a few and we have seen our nation on TBN.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.newvision.co.ug/NP/1181655022Untitled-4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.newvision.co.ug/D/8/26/570054&usg=__55EbkGZC_rsU5j-I6VAxpuRy1YI=&h=274&w=202&sz=14&hl=en&start=9&um=1&tbnid=G4lhzk28YK9WVM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3DRobert%2BKayanja%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
These alot that i feel should remind Ugandans but time in against me.
Ladies and gentlemen, Kayanja is a happy married man with one of his child i have seen known as Robert Junior.
I would like my peopel not to misquote but all i would the world to know is that from where can Kayanja gain the guts of doing this dirty sodom practice.
Can`t u see? Can`t you understand that the devil is using some people who are afraid and jealousy of his prosperity to pull him down?http://majimbokenya.com/home/2009/05/20/uganda-pastor-robert-kayanja-sodomised-us-while-at-his-rubaga-miracle-cathedral-alleged-mr-samson-mukisa-mr-james-ntwatwa-mr-ronny-mutebi-mr-david-mukalazi-mr-akansiime-and-mr-robinson-matovu/
I am neither a friend of Kayanja nor his church goer, i only go there mostly at 31st Dec but i would the media to chill it`s pull on him.
Kayanja is presumably innocent in this sodomy allegations and when latter it`s proved to be know that i said it and his accuser will pay because the wrath of God is against them.