We the people of Uganda are clear and will always be clear on this;
We have rejected gay and therefore have no room for homosexuals & lesbians in our country.
We stick to morals, ethics and culture of our land; we believe that our fore bearers were not less emotional and short-sighted not to practice this devilish dirty act.
We respect the nature in which man was created and all attributes that God attached to him.
The White House, specifically President Obama, Donors and those individuals who think that the Gay Bill must not be in acted into Law should know that this is Uganda and must respect this nation.
If in case gays stay in there land amicably, they must know they won`t here; and they must not dictate on how Uganda should be.
If there aid has strings attached in this way, so is the time for them to withdraw it, we shall not let our Government continue to receive aid and donations from people of this nature.
The reason why U.S seem like it`s abandoned by God in the last Ten years with all the anarchy it has gone through must be attributed to the way it has chosen about evil.
U.S is the leading in circulation and exporting of pornography around the world, it has no objection to gay, prostitution and abortion God forbid!
I stand on my two legs to say that God has shifted his presence from a land like this and that’s why countries like China which have zero tolerance on evils of the kind are now prospering and if U.S is not serious 20 years are much for it to loose it`s title as the World strongest Power.
This will go to China and finally to Africa.
They stand warned!!
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
People`s Development Party (P.D.P)