Corruption is one of the deadly viruses stronger than HIV/Aids that destroys the entire soul of man unlike Aids that eats up the body!
It’s a cancer that has altered almost every African country wiping away morality from the face of the Earth.
Behold the time is there’s no any other time and we are saying the time is now.
We shall fight it up to utmost end.
These have been some of the views articulated this morning at Parliament as it launches the Uganda Parliamentally dialogue on Development funded by the World Bank and the Parliamentally Press Committee.
Over 300 Members of Parliament, all foreign Ambassadors and Government officials were expected to attend this important workshop today but the turn up was poor.
By 9:00Am the official time for commencement only Justice Kanyeihamba had arrived I must report.
As an individual I moved in 15 minutes latter when the Swedish Ambassador had just arrived too but latter alone a number of other delegates arrived and this was the kicking off of the Day’s Agenda.
Mr James Odongo the Uganda Parliamentary Press Association (UPPA) made introductory remarks followed by Hon Henry Banyenzaki.
When Ms Kundhavi Kadiresan the Country Manager of World Bank, Indian by Nationality who also has been serving the world Bank formerly in Indonesia stood said that the few remarks say –done on some analytical work they have done in Uganda is at school level and in one of the District they found out on average.
Each school has 11 teachers.
In 2002/03 a survey was made and found out that 3 teachers (on around 27%) were absent, and a November 2006 survey found that only 21% of the teachers are in a classroom teaching.
The Government is also losing the equivalent of Ug Shs 26 billion per year or 37% of the FY 2005/06 Primary Health care wage expenditure on workers who are always absent at their health places of work.
In spite of all this, the World bank promised to inject funds to Uganda though some of us objected that latter -in such a country that corruption is a culture foreign donations have to be monitored.
Hon Katusi presented his colleague’s speech Hon Justice James Ogoola who failed to resurface for some other credential commitments there after.
“ Can you imagine such a man (Mayor Sebbagala) whose corruption is from blood to be made the Mayor of Kampala!”
I I warned Ugandans right from the beginning when he was arrested in America over forgery that he should not be compromised.
I however told my comrades that he would be welcomed like a Hero at the Airport because Ugandans do not know what they want, and that is what happened.”
I swear you will continue to cry, I tell people of Kampala.
Former Minister of Ethics and Integrity also Parliamentarian Hon Dr Maria Matembe who has been one of the main discussants said as she attacked the First family also over corruption.
She also attacked current Minister of Ethics and Integrity-Hon James Nsababuturo for absconding from the meeting yet he has been one of the main discussants after knowing that Matembe is coming. Though it addressed by Mr Charles Mwanguhya-Monitor publications that he had gone for State duties in the State House.
This lady as usual amused us, she left the entire House in laughter-anyway she has a cause.
Mr Angelo Izama, Manager K-Fm also made interesting remarks.
As an individual I reserved my remarks or 27th-MAR-09 Friday Press Conference as I would loose my temper and burst so many individuals including the President himself if I have been to discuss about a crucial and sensitive topic like this.
I interacted with the Swedish Ambassador who liked my Presidential aspirations during the lunch reception there after.
The World Bank Country Manager also appreciated me for being courageous despite the Political intimidations in the country during a dialogue with her.
I shook the Prime Minister’s hands (Prof Apollo Nsibambi) as well as the Security minister Amama Mbabazi who were entering the Parliament as I moved out.
Corruption is one of the deadly viruses stronger than HIV/Aids that destroys the entire soul of man unlike Aids that eats up the body!
It’s a cancer that has altered almost every African country wiping away morality from the face of the Earth.
Behold the time is there’s no any other time and we are saying the time is now.
We shall fight it up to utmost end.
These have been some of the views articulated this morning at Parliament as it launches the Uganda Parliamentally dialogue on Development funded by the World Bank and the Parliamentally Press Committee.
Over 300 Members of Parliament, all foreign Ambassadors and Government officials were expected to attend this important workshop today but the turn up was poor.
By 9:00Am the official time for commencement only Justice Kanyeihamba had arrived I must report.
As an individual I moved in 15 minutes latter when the Swedish Ambassador had just arrived too but latter alone a number of other delegates arrived and this was the kicking off of the Day’s Agenda.
Mr James Odongo the Uganda Parliamentary Press Association (UPPA) made introductory remarks followed by Hon Henry Banyenzaki.
When Ms Kundhavi Kadiresan the Country Manager of World Bank, Indian by Nationality who also has been serving the world Bank formerly in Indonesia stood said that the few remarks say –done on some analytical work they have done in Uganda is at school level and in one of the District they found out on average.
Each school has 11 teachers.
In 2002/03 a survey was made and found out that 3 teachers (on around 27%) were absent, and a November 2006 survey found that only 21% of the teachers are in a classroom teaching.
The Government is also losing the equivalent of Ug Shs 26 billion per year or 37% of the FY 2005/06 Primary Health care wage expenditure on workers who are always absent at their health places of work.
In spite of all this, the World bank promised to inject funds to Uganda though some of us objected that latter -in such a country that corruption is a culture foreign donations have to be monitored.
Hon Katusi presented his colleague’s speech Hon Justice James Ogoola who failed to resurface for some other credential commitments there after.
“ Can you imagine such a man (Mayor Sebbagala) whose corruption is from blood to be made the Mayor of Kampala!”
I I warned Ugandans right from the beginning when he was arrested in America over forgery that he should not be compromised.
I however told my comrades that he would be welcomed like a Hero at the Airport because Ugandans do not know what they want, and that is what happened.”
I swear you will continue to cry, I tell people of Kampala.
Former Minister of Ethics and Integrity also Parliamentarian Hon Dr Maria Matembe who has been one of the main discussants said as she attacked the First family also over corruption.
She also attacked current Minister of Ethics and Integrity-Hon James Nsababuturo for absconding from the meeting yet he has been one of the main discussants after knowing that Matembe is coming. Though it addressed by Mr Charles Mwanguhya-Monitor publications that he had gone for State duties in the State House.
This lady as usual amused us, she left the entire House in laughter-anyway she has a cause.
Mr Angelo Izama, Manager K-Fm also made interesting remarks.
As an individual I reserved my remarks or 27th-MAR-09 Friday Press Conference as I would loose my temper and burst so many individuals including the President himself if I have been to discuss about a crucial and sensitive topic like this.
I interacted with the Swedish Ambassador who liked my Presidential aspirations during the lunch reception there after.
The World Bank Country Manager also appreciated me for being courageous despite the Political intimidations in the country during a dialogue with her.
I shook the Prime Minister’s hands (Prof Apollo Nsibambi) as well as the Security minister Amama Mbabazi who were entering the Parliament as I moved out.