Date Wed 03rd Feb 2010
Our Ref: PDP/PR/10-04-01
The Potential to Feed Ourselves and the World.
Unlike many African countries, Uganda is endowered with two seasons in a year.
It unfortunate however that with this blessing Uganda has always looked and appealed to the international community when ever famine, drought and more catastrophes befall us.
This is ironical and undesirable.
At such a time of abundance like this of rain whose predictions could amount till July. PDP asks Ugandans to make use of it.
There and will never be justification while selling land and flock to urban centers to ride bodabodas.
Mark us right-we are not discouraging or attacking the work; in fact its good. But look how in the past weeks police has persecuted them. Arresting them and hold there motor cycles yet paying huge sums to get them back!
Able bodied Ugandans who can access land should commence commercial farming
This will guarantee plenty of food for our population.
Food prices across the glob have escalated and scarcity is evident here.
We have to grow as much as our soils can sustain.
Equally so Uganda government should be able to stand ready in confronting and combating all risk danger behavior associated with heavy rains. Floods and slides (so bad for our people in Bugisu). Sickness, disease out break and infections; Ebola, Cholera and malaria.
We insist DDT must not be used as the government is aiming. Court orders restrict the use of DDT while fighting malaria;
There’s no time to debate over this, wherever DDT was used being persistent toxic residues, its effects have been realized in those countries. This is not the way Ugandans desire to go. We should instead apply other options like buying mosquito nets for every family. This is cheaper than the money we use for treatment.
Ugandans should be educated about the many ways of preventing the disease such as getting rid of all stagnant water around us and clearing all bushes amongst others.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
PDP National Coordinator.