EMAIL: kivumbi256@aol.com
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WEBSITE: www.kivumbi256.blogspot.com
It takes patriotic and nationalistic emotions not feelings to rise a voice and a small one amongst the many that have risen ever since you stepped out of the bush in 1986 with tremendous victory over the regime pre despotic Government.I do not want to remember the memories of Luwero triangle though I was still a soul in the earth but History will always be reliable as Napoleon Bon` Aparte the Great petitioned his family and the descendants to study it so much as it is the only true philosophy.One Political Scientist once remarked “ Freedom is the blood of martyrs that was poured.” To a greater extend it’s authentic though it depends-especially when the latter judges the so-called “EFFORTS” of revolutionaries.I’m so amused at the same time flabbergasted about where we are and where we are heading. They say tomorrow is the most important thing in life. It comes to us fresh and pure at mid night hoping we’ve learnt something from yesterday. However it should be noted that “TOMORROW” is promised to no man.Sorry but it was a West African writer who said, “ One who swallows a Udala seed should vary the size of his anus.”Your Excellency, I would like to thank you and appreciate your services for this country. By the time you found it or joined leadership, it was under political turmoil and its state security wise was a threat.You’ve built up a strong and well trained- organized army with professional and military skills inculcated to them. In Buganda we have a proverb that says “ Etassima eburwa agiwa” Meaning that being unthankful can deprive many from giving you gain.You where able to create relationships with traditional leaders most especially the Kabaka of Buganda to the extend of reviving kingship and culture though today what happens can easily be seen by the blind that the relationship is fading away and I’ll tell you latter why?In the economic beat of it your potential and capacity to attract the investors to come and operate their investments can’t be left unmentioned though I’ll also latter tell you why what begun good has turned to be a blessing in disguise.The fact that you managed to host the different international summits including the Common Wealth Heads of Govervenment Meeting (CHOGM), Arab Youth Forum, Islamic Conferences to mention but a few deserves you called a gigantic man.The Foreign and adventurous policy you’ve fueled has at some extent been successful but I will also tell you why it has become poisonous.It’s in your regime that different resoureces engulfed in this wealthy but poor country (To explain this statement latter) such as oil- the great has been discovered.There so many economic, political, social, scientific, educational, cultural, etc waves of change that are happening and that have happened in your regime that time can’t allow me tell. That honors you credit so that when you die today, you will always be commemorated as a president of change who once ruled the beautiful and African greatest pride.Your Excellency the reason why I’ve fearlessly and unintimadatedly written to you is to stress a number of things that I will ask you to bare with no matter how tiresome and lengthy to read but to tell you in depth of perhaps the state of this country in all aspects and inspire you in advance so that you’re not caught up with time, age and name. History will judge me right or wrong but not even my descendants will fail to appreciate or blame me for what I’m inculcating into you this day of 06th.08.2008 for the well being of this great Nation, your name and family and to the entire world.Our grand parents said “ Zitakusoka nezitakuva nyuuma.” Implying that better for you to suffer earlier than in the end when you’ve actually tested the sweetness of things.Whatever goes around must come around and whatever brims will surely slow down!Your Excellency, I’ve been one of the lucky people to intrude deep in literature material most especially books and literature material written by strong characters here in Africa, books written about African presidents such as Nelson Mandere, Robert Mugabe`s “ DAY AFTER MUGABE “ and so many others.It was in this literature intrude that I came across a book that you perhaps authored or some one you gave permission but about where you came from up-to-date.The “Sowing Of The Mustard Seed” is the book that I’ve read over and over again that portrays “behind scenes” and basis of your long time career-LEADERSHIP- that you currently drive.It is in this book that you stress out this remarkable statement “ The problem with African leaders/Continent is that the leaders take so long in power…” This is the basis of my letter because it explains many challenges and achievements besieged with the current leadership that I’m not sure is democratic just like a civilized society elucidates but this is not my point now but as we go ahead the message/content on this white paper will reveal all this.In the Mustard Seed the whole world learns and gets to know that you came with less than thirty sophisticated guns, a few clothes, food and some necessities that you and your comrades looted in the villages of Luwero and perhaps a passport that of course is renewed to a “RED” one currently..The current Global statistics on African soils ranks you as one of the top Billionaires with averagely eighteen Billion Dollars (US 18 B $) in assets and liabilities not mentioning the liquid money on your Bank accounts in both foreign and domestics Financial Institutions.This implies that in the past twenty-three years in power you’ve managed to accumulate that (whole) wealth! I do not know how? But at least I know your constitutional salary and ware of how much goes in the two State House budget including that of Entebbe.Your status as a “ BILLIONAIR” is just a by the way but wanted to stress out for a certain aspect that I will point out latter.Many, not some-yearn to come to [power with an element of becoming Billionaires –multibillionaires in-fact so that they accumulate and enjoy wealth alongside other beneficiaries as first citizens of this State.I’m not condemning them because I know how much many have tempted and overcome by money but it does no good before the heaven and earth for leaders to live luxurious life yet the subordinates can’t rise even one shilling to bargain for (SALT) not (SUGAR) which many Ugandans have turned to consider as a luxury which of course should have been essential I’m not saying it because for me I access sugarful coffee but I’m saying it because each normal-I repute normal (not diabetic) person should be entitled to a sugarful cup of tea, but because of the vivacious state of poverty salt, which is so cheaper than sugar can’t even be purchased by many Ugandans.This shouldn’t be a surprise to you Your Excelleny, it`s true and more authentic like you existence as the Head of State todayThis is just a nut on a complexity of issues that I’m raising tonight just like I promised you in advance at the beginning of this context.Unlike like H.E George Walker Bush Junior S/O George Bush Senior, who came into power at the beginning of this new millennium in tragedy that emanated a few moths on United States with the bombing of it’s places;The World Trade Center and Pentagon (If I’m not mistaken), which was not a sign of warm welcome from our brothers in the Far East. Anyway I won’t go header on “HIM” because He’s left with just days to walk out of White House which I democratically love but what I wanted is to stress out that, HE came (comes) from one of the wealthiest families under the sun with shares in the oil resources on United State and other parts of the world. Implying that, HE hasn’t got wealth from the United States Presidential office rather it’s in blood though always a king I will always be a king and the Bible says that one who has will always be added- cetelis-teribus/In brief your acquisition of wealth thru leadership is a little bit different from Bush Junior (H.E) whom I’ve shared with you above.Your Excellency I’m not pin-pointing at you as in particular as a point of target only but the people equally around you most especially your army comrades have fallen “victims” {particular word} of wealth accumulation.They have encroached on purchasing hectares of land, invested in multiple business such as private investments, property dealings and on top of that holding fatty bank accounts both abroad and within the country!I will still say just like I commented on you that I’m as well ignorant on how they’ve managed to acquire the capacity of all this but equally so their salary statistics hasn’t been restricted from the knowledge of the public depending on their ranks. That’s between them, God and perhaps you as the Commander in Chief of the UPDF.I will not go in depth about the land issue that has been circulating between big people in Government sectors such as the army I’ve talked about, investors, your personal rich allies and surfs/tenants who are the poor. This issue of land relations is still a proposed law but you’ve witnessed how much opposition has been inflicted against.I’ll leave this to you, your concerned personnel’s and advisors too. But I pray that whatever the reparations of this are, Ugandans should be able to live and enjoy in their own country not as strangers or foreigners.That’s done of course, I don’t think I’m to repute unless otherwise but on another level.Your Excellency, many scholars and professionals have defined development in many ways. I’ve met some who have defined it as castles and lights everywhere in the country and I won’t blame them and so on and so forth. However with politeness and humility, what or how do you define development?Well to me let me tell you how I define it.If.. If I repute- If, I can be able to send my children abroad for better education or here in the best educational institutions, provide them with die tic foods, excellent housing, when they fall sick they can access excellent medical treatment and once in a while pay tickets for them to go and watch movies or listen and enjoy from music artists. Yeah, Yes! Believe me not that’s what I expect from you as in definition. But what happens? Or has happened Your Excellency S/O Mzee Amos Kaguta?Uganda is the opposite of what I’m trying to talk about though wealthy than any other State in Africa next to DRC {Research} in reverence to the statement I made earlier that “Wealthy but Poor! ” This country has suffered enough beyond and Immeasurably- inexplicable.You may ask me how? Or even confront this statement but the truth can be easily be identified and felt by even newborn babies.Please and please don’t compare this country to any other else though it could be a little bit far from others but will speak in this context and if others given chance to be Uganda as in resources and opportunities would be among the 1st world and member of G8 You see that?Mr. President get me right, I’m not a political belonging to any party here but I am who I am.Let me challenge you by giving you an example .You may either buy it or not but that fact will always remain so.Rwanda (H.E PAUL KAGAME & HIS ADVISORS) got her independence “ yesterday” but just imagine the rate of growth She’s on!This country whose “Castles” are completely poor compared to Uganda, Not even resources and opportunities like hosting International Summits and Conventions, her delegates have not moved out as frequently as it is here to see and compare where they come from, in all aspects!This is the Country even if I don’t go in details that have maximized the [little/small] potential they have to change the image and standards of their country. Education, Health, Security, Infrastructure to mention but a few not forgetting Human Rights as the only powerful tool to development have moved so fast..Faster than anyone including the blind can fell yet they’ve been in the war “yesterday!”I’m done with Rwanda let me come back here because it won’t help so much in this context.Much as the education system has been growing on a faster say more private schools and tertiary institutions but what has been done is just a toss on a whole loaf of bread. First of all even if I won’t dig deep the Government and concerned bodies are so much aware and for a number of times the public has come out towards responsible people but still little has been implimated in response. I won’t talk about the state of schools that have been put across already but will talk about this system of making sciences compulsory and limited or no sponsorship to art students.When I was still in secondary, I offered History as one of my combination subject and put European History in emphasis. It was Napoleon Bon` Aparte the Great who used/tarnished education for his own contentment and satisfaction when he banned the study of most arts though he banned the study of most arts he recommended History to his family only as I told you earlier. He never wanted Nationals to study about basic and essential things that will open their eyes and give them skill to oppose his regime.In this aspect he excelled because he prolonged himself in power without much opposition because he diverted/ directed all students to sciences.Yes there good but we should leave choice to people because a doctor needs a lawyer, insurance, banking skills, architectures, and so many things that I can’t explain now because even God gives us choice. In that, a parent won’t be able to meet University tuition for which is hiked day and night for her son/daughter and so on and so forth- I can’t explain much about that it’s done also.Your Excellency Uganda’s taxation base and capacity has widened following the previous budget that declined foreign support. I’ve also been going through different companies that paid bulky taxes I the previous time, MTN, Uganda Breweries, Stanbic Bank-the list is endless and I appreciate that. However on a sad note the loopholes involved in the tax system and over taxation not forgetting excessive and unnecessary taxes imposed on Ugandans their business and property has affected economic growth and investments in this country!The introduction of a multiplicity of taxes almost to each and everything in monetary value has left no space for Ugandans to enjoy and prosper in their own country. At times I regret saying may be graduated tax was better! Why?Because before it’s ban prices of commodities were affordable to at least 85% of Ugandans and it were only those eighteen years and above vulnerable to taxation but today no wander even a two month old baby in it’s mother’s uterus is paying the taxi! Ask me how?If a match box used to be at fifty (50shs) and today it’s at 150shs, or a bag of posho-maize flour which used to be at fifty thousand and today at almost eleven hundred thousand then I wonder whether we shall manage life.Your` Excellency, you’ll tell me it’s a global phenomenon for increase in food and oil process but I will strongly oppose you though I’m aware- I repute –“I’m ware”Of it. Bur let me tell you something; Uganda has been naturally blessed that even when other countries are affected for it won’t feel the pain! Why? The soils, climate etc that this nation is wealthy of is enough to meet and satisfy the demands of a population equivalent to that of Nigeria-(100m & above) even when it’s staying here but what happens even this population is crying-I’ll advise you just like I promised your Excellency to bless the agricultural mechanism be it scientifically advanced manner or any else but your hand of blessing and emphasis meanwhile will help it share this with you agriculture minister too if necessary please.Your Excellency, I’m sorry but I said earlier that you’d forgive me where I seem rude and straight but it’s not for the good of me or you only but to this generation even our children and grand grand…. But my point here is. I feel like crying when you talk about pleasure in sky rocked prices of food and other commodities-because of the reason you give “ When commodities are sold to Sudan, DRC, Rwanda etc on high prices is of benefit to Ugandans!”No! No! No! Your Excellency I strongly and million of times oppose that. Why?When I was still sitting in the Economics classes during secondary education I learnt with evidence that when you sell a commodity at a high price, it will eventually be scarce latter and when you need it again you’ll purchase it also on a very high price and the money you got before will be helpless to you since it will have gone already and you’ll be having a debt to clear since you could have borrowed some money to add on what you had to have a fair bargaining power for it.This is what is happening.Though the backbone of this Nation is Agriculture, a number of people are not Agriculturists. In-fact the highest percentage is in many other sectors such as education, industry etc for their survival. In spite of such an economy you’ve gone ahead to advise the few people we are depending on for food supply to export the little to countries like Sudan ironically to get a high exchange earning in difference at the domestic market price as your pint of view. This is very wrong… it has made also the demand at home raise both industrial and Agriculture products price wise.It does no better Your Excellency and it sounds haggard and ridiculous to keep and take care of a dog yet you can’t afford feeding yourself! The dog needs meat that you don’t afford!Your people- I mean Ugandans are crying and besides it’s no better having much money in circulation that you think has been earned from trade relations yet it’s value is less compare to it’s power of purchase. All I’m saying is, let Ugandans grow and manufactures their products to meet the demands of their own people so that at the end of the day inflation will be curbed yet fluctuation will also be controlled. That’s done too but don’t forget what Tanzania and India employed in that field.Concerning transportation network, I want to thank you most especially for this years budget that has greatly targeted the road system-Mbarara-Masaka highway is under construction and I’ve been following the money you’ve been offering alongside charitable Internationally but I think Hon Nasasira hasn’t done a lot infaou should meet him before he sees a door out of the ministry office. I just wonder why the roads are done as if they’re only lasting for this generation!What will our children use for heaven’s sake? The Government offers a lot of money for Excellent services but it’s like the hands where it goes isn’t safe. I ask him to resign if he has failed to work and serve his country diligently and honestly!If your stament wasn’t only sweat in saying but would bear fruits to then were looking forward to better transport services like railways, roads.reduced air transport costs from the oil benefits.The I.G.G has tried her level best to fight corruption and embezzlement but I ask you to empower that sector and also look for other measures to fight corruption. This is a deadly disease. It’s no better letting a man who has mismanaged in fact let me use “robbed’ millions and millions to move freely yet a chicken thief is burnt to death please make sure there strong and tuff laws against corruption in all sectors then our children will borrow a leaf from us.Your Excellency, I wonder why the first family, parliamentarians, cabinet ministers, UPDF bosses and other people in the Government run abroad for medications and health services yet Ugandans continue to die miserably in agony in the deficient and bankrupt medical centers of the country.Were all children of this country, why should many suffer at the expense of others? Let all these Government families stop flying overseas so that they experience and feel the power of disappointment in the Ugandan hospitals where drugs are not in pace, equipments either poor or not all, doctors are not effective and so on!Can you imagine ARVs where” rotting” in drug stores yet Ugandans are dying! You may probably have heard that Government health workers are selling (them-drugs) in their own clinics but why should it1 happen? Delayed and poor salaries-Why won’t he/she use them to pay for his three month unforwarded salary! I don’t, yes, I don’t support it but squeeze Stephen Malinga (Hon) to stay uncoward in his office but don’t forget to empower him aswell because he will lack procedures.Among the ten-point programme you had/have is security and stability of this country and you have some how tried in the rest of Uganda apart from the North. Of course good can’t be good unless it qualifies so. I won’t consider the Nation’s stability reliable since I’ve not seen the signature of LRA leader Joseph Kony on the peace deal pact. Who knows what may happen-having failed?It’s not the Government to Purdon him but the people of the North should be given first priority regarding his treatment in case he has been got, but don’t make a mistake of withdrawing the allegations and crimes from the I.C.C and if at all the peace agreement fails why don’t you let International spy agency. Police come, look for him and arrest him?You should accept that the UPDF has failed in the previous eighteen years so you should let the I.C.C go ahead is at all there no hidden agendas in the kony saga but peace and stability if only.Your Excellency, Ugandans, we have lost the love for our country including the Government that would be an example to us. How dare the Nation that Sir Winston Church Hill (British Delegate n 80s) turn to be the wasted of Africa from its name the ‘Pearl of Africa’!Why? We have sold it due to love of money and selfish evil motives. I was happy when polytechnic materials including “Buvera’ were banned but today I see them in circulation! Yiyi! Kagame His Excellency doesn’t want even them to cross the boarders to his magnificent environmental lover nation!“Bottles of mineral water” are also most everywhere in the city ‘Kampala’Flowers being plucked by idlers not even grass ‘CHOGM’ has managed to survive in the avenues and ‘Seya’ His Worship’s role is not even seen. If he can’t care for the city he should step out of office and leave nationalistic figures to step in.What will the next generation see? Will they say Uganda once had the largest forest in Africa but now ‘then’ the smallest? For God’s sake why can’t the Government leave ‘Mabira’ alone?You found it there; you should leave it there! NEMA has tried her best but the Government has hindered its work by politising it? Of recent you chase way the birds ‘Kalori’ which harbored in your health trees around Nakasero State House! Will the next generation see them again? Where are the birds ‘Ebinyira’ which used to be along Wandegeya? Don’t you think we’ve sold our beautiful country for material things Think about it, think about the wetlands the Government has offered to the so called ‘investors’ I mean just value the world life and the unique species that were once found no where else in the world that have gone extinct?Your Exllency, I`ll advise you never, I repute never to sell any raw material to those world powers. Everything should be sold at the finished level- don’t make that mistake please. Oil should be sold a petrol, disesel, paraffin, crude oil etc. Phosphorous like wise, Gold the same, Uranium-we should manufacture our own Nuclear eneghy, It`s not devilish at all, just co-operate with International Nuclear Agency (I.N.A) well so that energy could be manufactured which will help us consume it at as less as hundred shillings etc.Your Excellency the statistical reports shows that the number of literates and professionals has raised since 1980 up-to-date and still escalating. However to a sad note also the children that have been sponsored at the university have insufficiently met the demands of our expectations. Lawyers, doctors, engineers etc helped by the country have ran abroad in each for greener pastures. We thought after studding they would settle down and serve Ugandans in their appropriate capacities but it’s ironical. Now do we have to import engineers and nurses to work for this country? But before you and I can blame them, we have to look at the dirtiest part of the issue. A Ugandan doctor for stance with evidence will be paid thrice or twice less to the one in U.K, US Belgium or Sweden. So why won’t Nakito run to Iraq where she will be paid heavily in the US/UK army than here where not even her child will manage to study from King’s College-Buddo. The challenge again goes to you as the supreme leader and other organs!You see I’m a good man, in the beginning I promised to tell you why the relation between you/Government and traditional leaders most especially the Kabaka {Buganda} is fading way and here aim.Normally or it’s even in the Bible that a friend is the best brother who is there in all times for the you-That one who stands by you in the storm is a friend indeed.I wasn’t there when you met with Buganda/Kabaka during the bush war but just like said, “ History is the only true philosophy” By Napoleon the Great.There certain issues at climax you came upon during your negotiations with each other when you needed support when once a rebel against the by then Government.It’s also most twenty-four years since your stay in power but I’m up to now there areas you’ve failed to handle. Amongst these is land (90 mile square land), Federal Govenrmency, allcation of Kampala city to be geographically on the map in Buganda etc But you know when some one contains and contains much over and over again suddenly he busts so this is what has happened Buganda on behalf of the Kabakahas expressed much hatred against yo regime since you’ve failed almost to acknowledge their demands which has aggravated that relationship. Please be a good son of Mzee Amos Kaguta and grunt Buganda her requests so that ‘fire may not erupt on the mountain’I think I’ve answered the stament “wealthy but poor” by stressing out different challenges in the economy and state of this country.I equally so remember like commenting on your foreign policy. You’ve done so many things in this aspect including the invasion of Congo, taking troops to Somalia, Liberia, Sudan, Iraq to mention but a few. Your associating with different world despots such as Col Mwamar Gadafir ‘HE’, even if I don’t mention others you know better but you should bear in mind that everything under the sun has a beginning and an end-`ill continue with this lecture as I wind up but let me first talk about the following.Your Excellency, it’s definitely unfair to call ourselves members of UN, AU, COMMON WEALTH, EAST AFRICAN PARLIAMNET, COMEASA, signed I.C.C protocol yet there’s no democracy in this country.Where’s democracy? Where are the constitutional and Human Rights implementation? Why do safe houses and places of torture exist?Is the Ugandan POLICE –politicized? Or are there characters above the Law?Your Excellency I want to know why freedom of press-access to information is prohibited and affected? I also want to know why the opposition is suppressed for heaven’s sake!I heard to cry when Brigadier Kasirye Gwanga said it had to be seven days for Mengo Ministers! You worsened the situation when you rebuked the judge who followed the law to realize them! How could you attack the Parliamentarians for summoning a parliament seat over the issue? I’m I wrong to say that Constitutional and Human Rights has culminated to its climax?Why should a Hon-Member of Parliament ask for permission to address his people? For heaven’s sake ask N.T.V and other journalists for the Video footage at the way Hon Nabira, Hon Nampijja and Semsu were treated by the POLICE –where are we going?By the way why is tear gas still kept in POLICE chambers while the whole world knows it’s dangerous and deadly? I wonder why your friends intimidate the opposition members. People on phone calls! Is that democracy your Excellency?I certainly believe enough is enough. We want to see this country liberated from this political Turmoil.The entire world knows how the “HOUSE” was bribed to pass the ‘Ekisanjja’ Yes this term wouldn’t be there if it didn’t happen. But then there’s nothing to do.It reminds me of a friend who got pregnant before marriage. However much as it’s not allowed generally but they had to bear with it to wait for her to deliver.Why shouldn’t Mugabe, Gadaffi and Many other African despots learn from Nelson Mandela (the greatest) as the only person next to them besides western democracy!Call themselves liberators! Fine, that’s what they were but isn’t Mandela one? I earnestly appreciate what they did but today the whole world no longer calls them liberators. I’ve heard nationals calling them “traitors!”All these despots should know that Africa doesn’t lye on them that without them it will be no more. God has blessed them; let it be enough for them! Why should they persist that their in the only big ‘FISH’ in the pound, ‘BULL’ in the kraal- it pains me when they claim there the only ones having the vision.Africa is still under a yoke we, we hoped when colonialists left that we became independent but this isn’t so. We need and agitate for Independence from these one man’s show.God can’t make a mistake to hide all the potential in the few people. You may ask me if so, why does He leave us to stay?Your Excellency, the answer is so simple, David “BIBLE” said I saw an evil man greatly harkened in his seat, but when I passed there the following day not even his chair was there!As if this is not enough, Nebukadnezar the by then Global leader under Babylon the Great was eventually cast in the grasslands where he fed on grass like animals for seven years. This is what he says in the book of Daniel.“ I , I Nebukadnezar after gaining my sanity, I lifted up my hands and my eyes towards the heaven and said indeed there’s no other God to be worshiped…” This imply that despotic as he was, his time had come and indeed it happened.President George Walker Bush Junior with all what he has done most especially disrespecting the UN in the famous 2003 invasion, his time has come. I don’t know who is the next world leader, it could be Barrack, it could McCain-but each one of them shouldn’t make the same mistakes the ongoing leader has made. Instead to rewrite the wrongs, that’s why when Russia attacked Georgia of recent with all it’s brutal heart of worldwide spread Human Rights violation attitude, HE ‘BUSH’ spoke few words having been shut by Russia’s Prime Minister reminding hem of what he did in 2003 when the whole world including the parents of the US fighters stopped him from invading-of recent when they’ve been in China at Olympics opening.What is my point here? No matter and how long a despot/evil man could use his money, authority and power, time must actually come fro him. Who knew that Mubutu Sseseko would die a miserable man at the time he shock the world with his money-His children almost flew abroad every week? Where’s he now? May his soul rest in eternal peace. Who knew that Charles Taylor would be in Hague before Sebutinde?I mean who knew what would happen to Bolivian by then President that he would not even knock the doors of I.C.C but to go like a chicken thief?I won’t take you far, who knew that at one time Amin`s children could be chased from a house after failing to pay for money or even such a leader to be buried in country far from his home!How is wish each one of us, and other leaders not forgetting presidents could learn from each few examples I’ve given?Generations come, generations go, what comes around must go around not even planes/cars knew that at one time they would be used for cooking as stoves ‘Esigiiri’This is a challenge that I want African leaders and upcoming leaders in their offices whether big or small, to know-that such things happen to all human beings. It’s not a surprise.Your Excellency, I want o finish this inspirational or unsinpirarational white paper by requesting one thin, I’m in fact on my knees-not shamed but asking you not to come back for 4th term.‘; the problem with African leaders is that they don’t want to get out of power” You lamented just like I said at the beginning stressing the content of the Sowing of the Mustard seed that you authored.Please give opportunity to other ambitious capable men and women. There’s nothing that will happen to you if you don’t come to contest back. You’ll settle and rest in Rwakitula amicably without even running out of the country like the past Presidents. The upcoming leaders will always run to you for advice as one of the God feathers of remarkable leaders of those awesome Nation.Thank you very much for read, understating and putting in consideration the issues on this white paper.
Yours faithfully.
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