Is Democracy Raped?
We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt and that freedom of expression still a myth in our nation.
We doubt whether it's justifiable to ban songs that praise the sovereignty of some tradition institutions and individuals from being played on air.
We consider this as broad day rape of freedom, the Natural God given rights
endowered to mankind.
We challenge the Uganda government not be intimidated to that extend of banning some songs; the ban should be lifted. If you're to analyze the message in these songs, there's nothing like promoting violence or creating tension or even promoting sectarianism and tribalism.
What wrong does one to if he/she praises his traditional leader or even his kingdom?
We refuse also to believe that journalists will continue be subjected to arrests, intimidation, malicious prosecution, harassed and battered by individuals and security personells; when will this stop?
PDP declares that enough is enough;
We shall not keep quite until justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.
We demand that CBS be reopened tonight.
We demand that all cases opened against journalists be dropped.
We also demand that our children who still battle with the Attorney General, many of whom are behind bars to be released today and that charges against them as a result of the September riots be dropped.
Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy
For God and My Country
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
PDP Deputy Spokes Person/ Former National Coordinator.
Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?
Recent year was for many of us quite difficult. Breakdown in finances, many human beings without job. But in 2011 it's time to find good people that do [url=http://www.xn--tumaczenia-tekstw-vyb99l.kartuzy.pl/tlumaczenia-filmow/]tłumaczenia filmów[/url]
That's why we have to find them is good perspectives in current year.
Best regards
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