At such a time like this when the history of this nation chooses to be on wrong side; when tribulation has befell Buganda- we would like the people of “Buganda” (and when to talk about Buganda we do not only mean Baganda only); Buganda’s tears can be compared to the tribulation that countries like Israel has gone through right from the Bible generation till this day. Israel has always been suppressed, dispersed and its enemies preferred it wiped from the face of the earth which has not and will never be possible.
We equally tell Buganda to be confident than never before, have as much hope as there knowing that some how, some what this situation will change and will can not be far.
As we morn for the Kasubi Tomb Inferno in the five days proclaimed, we should not morn for this tragedy alone.
Ugandans should also morn for there 30 children shot dead in September riots, they should for the closure of CBS, CBS is part of Buganda and can not be eliminated.
We should morn for the Buddo inferno that claimed our children; we should for the Budduda Disaster.
How about our children in Kichwamba? We should morn for Kanungu Incidence; we must not forget hundreds of thousands killed during the Lord’s Resistance War.
We must morn oh Ugandans wherever you’re.
But know Uganda will, in not so far get a leader who will lead but not rule.
Gusinzze ayi Sabassajja
People’s Development Party National Coordinator.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
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