We regard State Houses to be for the State as the name applies;
So since when did they turn to be NRM Houses?
You can not take party meetings in a place built on tax payers’ money over any party issues whatsoever as if there no hotels.
We ask NRM to cancel all arrangements for there party meeting due to take place on 12th -14th Jan this year. We regard this act to be provocative, disrespectful and therefore null and void.
This is no time to continue wasting our country’s resources over such things.
At so many occasions, we had chosen to keep quite but we can’t contain this any more.
They met and saved Mbabazi in same place and have involved State Houses in party activities; they should stop it.
How many times has the labour party or conservatives in U K taken party meetings in the Birmingham Palace?
A few U S presidents have stayed with there families in White House; why has NRM chosen Entebbe State House yet some of its members own hotels and have shares in different hotels?
People’s Development Party members have agreed to have a hunger & sit down demonstration if they insist continuing with this arrangement.
This time we have no any other place for our demo; we shall stage it at CPS for the three days of this meeting in lamentation.
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