When our odropes are filled to the maximum and our bank accounts loaded.
When we are happy for our children being in good and expensive schools and when we have relative s abroad

When we park our expensive cars outside supermarkets,enter and shop even what we do not need and atimes throw away others which have gone bad as a sresult of not consuming them,
When our pasports are almost full a result of travelling so frequently and when we atimes receieve appreciations for being regular customers and clients of some big companies,
When our lawyers win every case insitituted against us so that we are unable to go to jail not compasate our plaintiffs,
When our wive sare sent abroad for medical treament and our children access health sericives in best hospitals,
When all our property is insured and there`s nothing to worry about we tend to think avery one is like us.
Gentlemen and ladies there millions arround who do not have even space out side not inside to lay there jaws!
There millions who can`t afford even going to a clinis for drugs of 5o pennys.
There muillions who can`t find what to eat and even access educationn
So when you see people of the kind please have pity and do something about it.

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