The magnitude at which the famine in Teso region is has humbled a young politician in Kampala this morning.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin stranded with what to do about the people of the North has resorted his way to the United States embassy in Kampala to plead before the newly delegated Ambassador to find remedy for the people.
Before the embassy officials this morning, Kivumbi broke into tears while narrating the gravity of the situation in Teso.
In his letter he has forwarded to the Ambassador he states;
Your Excellency the Ambassador of United States in Uganda;
I would like to officially welcome you to land of splendor widely known as the Pearl of Africa.
Your processor Ambassador Steven browning has done a tremendous work with his services while here and I must appreciate him.
I wish him the best of his stay in the U S and pray a living Legacy will be left behind in his foot new marks in which the American descendants will be proud of.
At this time your Honor sir, my people in Teso Region (North Eastern) are terribly indescribably hit by famine and one by one are dying without help.
The children, elderly, women, and marginalized people break me into tears when think about them!
According to the pictures I am receiving and phone calls from that Region it’s self evident that famine has taken another level, it’s so high on the pick that even the birds an animals can acknowledge it except the vultures who are anxiously yelling to feast alongside their comrades the house flies at the death of our people.
When we focus on Teso region, there’s a lot that comes to our memories because we can’t forget how the floods hit this region causing thousands displaced and a dozen of them joining there ancestors before the almighty their creator.
Houses, livestock, and property got destroyed in the event of these floods your Excellency.
Your honor the Teso region has equally succumbed to prolonged droughts that the rest of region in the country has not experienced apart from Karamoja.
Your honor at this moment I nearly collapse with the Joseph Kony Lord’s residence Army (LRA) war by its humiliating and painful consequence sin the region that caused one of the worst humanitarian crises in the Eastern African Sub-Saharan region.
With all these incidences numerically occurring one after another, the people of the North have cursed the day they came on this planet, which has favored, whole-heartedly recieved some in joy leaving others vagabonds, and refugees on their own planet.
The people regret being Ugandans under a government that almost assumes they are not part of Uganda with its negligence expressed towards them.
This has brought an option of desiring secession and they have a cause your honor though most us never wished so.
I personally do not believe in the barbaric violent measures of getting to power by civil wars, guerilla or rebel activities but God must judge over this if the parable in the Bible of woman who sought judgment from the king with her frequent disturbances was latter considered how about my people in the North?
The allegations of a rebel group to our notice is a result of hatred and agony that or brothers and sisters have on heart against the Government.
if it has totally refused a share of the national cake with these people it should tell the world otherwise we shall not sit back to witness the inferiority complex imposed on them to aces proper education, health services, infrastructure and being recruited in the health services. God forbid, to hell with this Government!
Your Excellency members of Parliament from the region have made up their minds to boycott parlimentally sessions in going back and find food for there people by this your can now tell the gravity and magnitude of the crisis!
On this note therefore Your Excellency, I appeal to the International community through you your Honor sir;
To table out revolutionary measures for the people of the North.
I would like President Obama to channel his donations alongside his counterparts through organizations other than the Government of Uganda for the betterment of the African blood in that region otherwise my people are like sheep without Sheppard.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
Future President of Uganda
Law Development Center-Kampala UG