Friday, November 28, 2008
Right now as i a speak we are already in Mbale town with Hon john Ken Lukyamuzi-The man and the whole town is expectant to hear from what Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin -The future Prezident is going to say as well as John Ken tomorrow at Cricket Ground- SAT 29TH NOV 08. Then on Sunday the Students of Islamic University will be addressed.
The land issue is our main concern,we shall not sit in Kampala when Ugandans most esp the p`ple of Mbale now are suffering simply b`coz the Government has made a plan to grab people`s land by passing the land bill.
We shall stand for the truth and we say no to DDT.It has another option our environment will not be destroyed.
Monday, November 24, 2008
“No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.” —Calvin Coolidge “We do not take action to gain or prove we are valuable, we take action to gain results and discover more of who we already are.” —Michael E. Angier
"Who you are |
I bestow this award upon you with my sincere appreciation for who you are and what you contribute to the world. Your unique and special gifts make my life and that of others better. You have earned the Medal of Honor. There is only one condition on your acceptance of this honor—that you award the Medal of Honor to another individual of your choosing. As you confer this award upon someone whom you admire and appreciate, you will begin a process that will touch the lives of thousands of others. An acknowledgement from a friend or an appreciative word from a family member affects not only the recipient, but everyone with whom they come in contact. Namasté (the Spirit in me salutes the Spirit in you). |
| You were born perfect. Perfectly you, Perfectly prepared for your unique life’s quest. All you have to do is stay true To your own authentic self. Be real. Be authentically YOU. Everything else, all your other successes and achievements, stem from this first task. —By Sarah Pond |
| I believe in your unique potential. I believe in your dreams and in your ability and determination to achieve those dreams. Go for it! You may not accomplish everything you want, but you surely can achieve anything you want. “Whatever you dare to do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it.” |
Friday, November 14, 2008
Besides has the United Nations (UN) become a detootheless barking dog more less like its papa League of Nations (LON)? Why is the African Union (A.U) keeping quite and More Developed Countries (MDC`s) silent? Aren’t we in the 21st Centurey, more over in this great millennium of transformation and Village Globalization?
Surely the problems of Africa have been given a cold shoulder!
African leaders you’re traitors!!!
How dare you’ve sold this blessed and rich continent! You’ve become slaves of despotism, violence-thirsty for blood to mention but a few. Can you imagine apart from a few powers else where it’s Africa where rebel activities still prevail!
If today the fuel ants of General Laura Ankundabatware have been identified, why shouldn’t they be squeezed and pinned? If it’s authentic that Kagame Paul-His Excellency the President of Rwanda is inciting and supporting the Congo rebel activities in anyway way wether millitarly,financuially or morally, why shouldn’t he be arrested and tried in the I.C.C? Besides there still allegations that he participated in the genocide that claimed two million bothers of ours in 1994.Let that warrant of arrest be issued so that he is tried.
Please do not make the young generation wail to the extend of hating and denying Africa our mother land all in the name of neglagency, failure to arrest people like Kundabatware, the likes of Bashir-Sudan, Mugabe-Zimbabwe, Kibaki-Kenya- I swear even Museveni-Uganda should have been behind bars in Netherlands handled by the Inter-pol over thousands w3ho perished in the renown Luwero triangle. This abuse of humanity of the highest order-cantankerous!
The young blood of Africa to suffer at the expenses of such humans, atavistic!
Why isn’t Gadaffi be forced out of office, shall we contain such depots?
Domocracy, respect of human rights, good leadesrship, economic and political stability-Africa which is free from Corruption is what we are agitating for the young generation of tomorrow.
Bush-His Excellency the on going one should also be summoned and tried in I..C.C for the death of the American boys in Afghanistan and Iraq, he is responsible for the economic depression that is spreading in the rest of the universe, his two oil companies should be conphiscated.
God help Africa, have mercy for planet earth